A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 8 Number 2, 2017
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Zhang, S. (2017). A Review of Literature on Preparing Language Teachers to Teach Online: What Has Been Done and What Is Needed?. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 8(2), 53-69.
[张胜兰. (2017). 外语教师网授技能培训:文献综述与培训计划建议. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 8(2), 53-69.]

Full paper


The purpose of this article is to synthesize the research on skills and competencies to prepare college language teachers to teach online since the publication of Hampel and Stickler’s article “New skills for new classrooms: Training tutors to teach languages online” in 2005. The researcher identified 15 studies in peer-reviewed journals to review. The findings reveal that new understandings have emerged about the necessary abilities and skills that a language teacher needs to acquire to be prepared to teach online. Important strategies to prepare teachers to gain these skills and abilities include learning by doing, by observation, and through reflection and learning from a critical friend’s feedback. Implications for designing programs to prepare language teachers to teach online are discussed.

在美国,越来越多的语言教学项目和学校提供网上外语课程。作者通过对相关英文学术期刊的穷尽式搜索来回答几个研究问题:自2005年Hampel & Stickler提出高等院校外语教师网上教学所需技能的框架之后,是否已出现对所需技能的新理解?如果出现,这些新理解是什么?研究者所提出的教师网上教学所应具备的技能是否被成功传授给教师?在这些培训项目中,使用了什么方法使之得以成功?此项研究结果显示: 后来的研究提出了一些新的见解,而且在培训方法方面这些研究的结论是:实践中通过反思学习是最有效的方法。作者最后提出了对培训项目设计方面的一些建议。

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Department of World Languages, Literatrues, and Cultures, Middle Tennessee State University
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