A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 4 Number 1, 2013
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Kan, Q. (2013). The Use of ICT in Supporting Distance Chinese Language Learning ─ Review of The Open University's Beginners' Chinese Course. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 4(1), 1-13.
[阚茜. (2013). 运用信息通讯技术支持远程汉语学习——英国开放大学初级汉语课程评述. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 4(1), 1-13.]

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Information communication technology (ICT), when used appropriately, can support language learning as well as enhance the learning experience. Although there is a lot of research on the role of technology in distance language learning, there is relatively little research on how it is used to support Chinese language teaching and learning at a distance. This paper reviews the role of technology in The Open University’s Beginners’ course in Chinese. It describes and discusses how and why various technologies are used to support teaching and learning in a context that mixes text and online self-study with attending online and face-to-face tutorials, with regard to the challenges of teaching and learning Chinese at a distance. The paper draws on data from a mixture of questionnaires together with telephone interviews, forum messages and routine statistics to review and evaluate students’ learning experience. In addition, the challenges and limitations of the chosen technologies are considered. The aims of this paper are as follows: i) to offer a fresh perspective on the understanding of distance Chinese language learning and teaching; ii) to share our experiences in the successful application of technology in learning and teaching; and iii) to examine the relationship between the use of technology and learning and teaching.

教育信息科技应用得当时能够支持语言学习并使学习过程愉悦。虽然有大量的研究是有关教育科技在远程外语教学中的作用,不过,有关如何将教育信息科技用于协助远程中文教学的研究相对来说还不多。本文旨于回顾教育信息科技在英国开放大学远程初级中文课程中的作用,并深入探讨如何在远程自学加面对面以及在线课堂环境中应用不同的教育科技与工具。本文以问卷、电话访谈、在线论坛帖子与统计数字来检视评量学生的学习经验。此外,并进一步探讨所使用的信息科技的局限以及挑战。希望透过本文的研究能提供汉语教师以及语言行政人员三点心得: 其一,提供更进一步了解远程汉语教学的新视角;其二,分享英国开放大学于语言教与学方面的成功应用经验;其三,探讨信息科技的应用与语言教学之间的关系。

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